Sell To Us/Trade-Ins

Want to sell equipment to us? To get started please fill out the form below. Be sure to include as many details as you are able to as it will help our team to provide the most accurate offer as possible. Include, if you can, information like the model number from the back of the radio, Flashcodes, quantities, conditions, etc. Also, please include whether the radios will come with accessories such as batteries, antennas, cables, mounting brackets, mics, etc. If you have questions about the process, please call 720-459-7557.
Provide a list of the radio equipment you'd like to sell or trade-in. We'll review and a member of our purchasing team will contact you with estimates. Our purchasing team meets bi-weekly, following the meetings you can expect a response within 24 hours. This same process applies to trade-in offers as well. Note: if your offer is accepted, we distribute payment upon receiving and inspecting equipment.